Although long periods of wet weather are commonplace in Sydney, people here remain in genuine denial that anything but sunshine ever arrives in the beachy city. Case in point: The lack of restaurants with actual roofs. Most people are still walking around without coats, and no one seems to own a pair of galoshes.

The view from my office (wet)
By the numbers:
100: Milometers of rain received so far
3: Number of times I've spoken to the mailman this week about "This Crazy Rain (When will it stop??)"
19° C: The temperature at which Australians feel it is "cold."
1: Epiphanies I've had this week wherein I realize I only get emotional about missing Boston while riding to work sleep-deprived on a bus driving through shitty weather
0: Pairs of waterproof shoes owned by me on this side of the world, because I'm a genius
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