Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
The Oz Glos
Welcome to the Oz Glos, your guide to Aussie lingo. It's a work in progress.
Arvo: Afternoon
Avo: Avocado
Avo: Avocado
Barbie: Either the grill itself or a gathering involving grilling. Seldom is BBQ sauce employed
Bogan: An unclassy person, usually of lesser means.
Brekkie: Breakfast or brunch
Brekkie: Breakfast or brunch
Chucking a Sickie: Faking a sick day or playing hooky
Dero: Abbrievation for derolict. Poor. Can be a person, place or thing
G'day: Hello, and welcome to Australia
G'day: Hello, and welcome to Australia
How's your father?: Sketchy or dodgey
Maccas: McDonald's
Maccas: McDonald's
Mates: Friends
No Worries, Mate: Thank you/ you're welcome/ sorry/ not sorry
Pash Rash: The redness around your mouth after a make out session with a guy who has stubble
Rock up: The same as walk up, but with swagger
Sausage Sandwich: A sausage wrapped in squishy white bread. This is actually a thing here.
Sausage Sizzle: Akin the a bakesale, but with sausage sandwiches.
Sausage Sandwich: A sausage wrapped in squishy white bread. This is actually a thing here.
Sausage Sizzle: Akin the a bakesale, but with sausage sandwiches.
She'll be 'right: Everything will be fine/don't worry about it/ walk it off
Sick Cunt: A term of praise
Shit Cunt: A term of derision
Taking the piss: Giving someone a hard time
Sick Cunt: A term of praise
Shit Cunt: A term of derision
Taking the piss: Giving someone a hard time
Tea: Snack time or dinner. Does not actually refer to drinking tea.
Tradey: An unskilled labor
Veggo: Vegetables, vegetarian food options, a vegetarian
Veggo: Vegetables, vegetarian food options, a vegetarian
We're not here to fuck spiders: Let's not waste time
Friday, January 15, 2016
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Things I've Eaten: FOMO & Gelato
FOMO was born in major cities and never moved out of its parents' place. Tastes are fleeting but winning is forever so if you can't decide where to go you should probably just stay home since spending four pence (Quid? idk here) on anything other than the objective gold standard of whatever you need right now feels tantamount to punching yourself in the mouth. Whether it's tapas or burgers or tacos (jk about tacos, this is 'Straya), your choices are staggering and they're also looking right back at you, watching you while you choose. The FOMO-obsessed-Dev in us all would rather spend hours finding The Best food truck than wasting one second consuming an underachieving taco.
I wanted to find the best Gelato in Sydney, and I did. It's a 9 minute walk from my apartment.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Day Trip Tuesday: Paddy's Markets, for All of Your Conterfieit Needs
Paddy's Market is a bizzarre-style market in the China town district of Sydney. It is THE place to go for souvineers, ranging from koala keychains (necessary) to kangaroo ballsack bottle openers (popular) to affordable t-shirts for your whole family (Merry Christmas).
Monday, January 11, 2016
it's a jungle out there
Me: I love Newtown
Friend: I like Newtown, but it's a bit wacky
Me: I like that it's hippy-dippy
Friend: Sure, but sometimes I feel like the people here just try to be different for the shock value
[This man & his giant raven Cockatoo cross the street in front of us]
Me: ....Touché
Friday, January 8, 2016
Thursday, January 7, 2016
How to Order Iced Coffee In Sydney
Despite being known for melty weather, Australia doesn't really do cold drinks unless they contain at least 7% alcohol. First lesson of Australian coffee: They basically do not do drip coffee here. People might, might make drip coffee in thier homes, but no decent cafe offers it. "Cold drip" is on offer at a few high-end places, but the last time I ordered some I recieved five ounces of watery bullshit (Cost: $6 lol).
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
When it Rains it Pours and When it Pours it Doesn't Stop and Oh No It's Still Going
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