1) Ozzie for feeling regret or penitence
I'm sorry I've failed to update this blog. Sometimes you intend to write in your travel blog, but then you move and you don't have internet for five weeks and then you start working a lot and then you feel like you have nothing to write about, then you feel guilty for not writing and ashamed that your supposedly super-amazing life in a tropical paradise city isn't wall-to-wall excitement filled with fancy coffees and yacht parties. Soz.

In the past four months I have:
- Gotten a job with the NSW police
- Left that boring job
- Landed a new gig at a high end wine shop (follow us on Instagram to see what I do @ebaycellars)
- Pet baby goats at the Sydney Easter show
- Hung out with Sharks at the aquarium
- Rounded out my crop top collection
- Slowly began to carve out a friend group
- Lost all sense of how much a sandwich should cost
- Experienced my first real change of season in this country
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